Following Module 3 of the Appen Senior Leadership Immersion Program, Jim Grant and Associates will be conducting one-on-one debriefs for the MSCEIT (Emotional Intelligence Test).

  • Session time: 45 minutes by Zoom (the link will be in your invite that follows your booking)
  • Sessions dates: July 2022
  • Make your booking: by 24th June
  • How to book: click on a coach button below to book your session
  • Coaches: 2 coaches with varying availability – see below introductions






Gaby McDonald

Gaby is an internationally trained coach and facilitator with over 20 years’ experience in a diverse range of business contexts and industries. She has held roles in employee engagement, technology start-ups, publishing, and sustainability communications. As a consultant, she has worked with clients in industries ranging from FMCG and professional services to manufacturing, retail, software and technology, telecommunications, government, universities and not-for-profits.

Jim Grant

Jim has been working with senior leaders in many of Australia’s and overseas top organisations for over 30 years. Prior to co-founding his first consultancy business, he worked at the Executive table of several Global Companies in People & Culture as well as leading projects in Operations, Health & Safety, Business & Strategy and Mergers and Acquisitions, at times responsible for over 6,000 heads in businesses worth over AUD$6B.
Jim has been a judge of the Australian HR Awards for 10 years in the category of ‘Employer of Choice’. His areas of specialty include working with senior executive teams on a wide range of matters, mentoring and coaching executives, and designing and facilitating leadership development.