Appen: Leadership Immersion Program - Module 3 Debriefs
Following Module 3 of the Appen Senior Leadership Immersion Program, Jim Grant and Associates will be conducting one-on-one debriefs for the MSCEIT (Emotional Intelligence Test).
- Session time: 45 minutes by Zoom (the link will be in your invite that follows your booking)
- Sessions dates: July 2022
- Make your booking: by 24th June
- How to book: click on a coach button below to book your session
- Coaches: 3 coaches with varying availability – see below introductions
Gaby McDonald
Gaby is an internationally trained coach and facilitator with over 20 years’ experience in a diverse range of business contexts and industries. She has held roles in employee engagement, technology start-ups, publishing, and sustainability communications. As a consultant, she has worked with clients in industries ranging from FMCG and professional services to manufacturing, retail, software and technology, telecommunications, government, universities and not-for-profits.
Ami Summers
Ami works with leaders and entrepreneurs to help identify and enhance their leadership skills to find their place of maximum impact. With 14 years’ experience as a leadership development consultant and qualified coach, Ami has coached hundreds of CEO’s, executive leaders, small business owners and individuals and has worked with entrepreneurs, professional service firms, the banking industry, community organisations, the energy industry, natural disaster relief, education and state and federal government.
Jim Grant
Jim has been working with senior leaders in many of Australia’s and overseas top organisations for over 30 years. Prior to co-founding his first consultancy business, he worked at the Executive table of several Global Companies in People & Culture as well as leading projects in Operations, Health & Safety, Business & Strategy and Mergers and Acquisitions, at times responsible for over 6,000 heads in businesses worth over AUD$6B.
Jim has been a judge of the Australian HR Awards for 10 years in the category of ‘Employer of Choice’. His areas of specialty include working with senior executive teams on a wide range of matters, mentoring and coaching executives, and designing and facilitating leadership development.