Chicken Hearted Charlie - A children's book
Charlie Condonelli lived in an old run-down shack – a bit of a dump, right on the edge of the township of Bogga. But Charlie liked it anyway. He didn’t mind that it was made of old hessian bags that he had painted with left over paint. He didn’t mind that the paint was 23 different colours, and that his walls looked like a rainbow gone nuts. But there was one thing that really irked him. It made him squirm with anger. It was so unfair that when he thought about it, it made the hair on the back of his head bristle with rage!
Price: $16.50
Emotional Intelligence Workbook (E-Book)
Emotional Intelligence Workbook (E-Book)
The Emotional Intelligence Workbook (eBook format) is a practical, user friendly guide to enhance emotional intelligence skills. Designed as an essential companion to results from the MSCEITTM , this Workbook provides the opportunity for you to effectively target the areas you want to improve or leverage. It guides you through each of the MSCEIT’s four branches and eight tasks, gives further information about them, discusses real-life implications and provides exercises to help your development.

This Workbook is designed to accompany the MSCEIT™ (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test). MSCEIT™ is owned by Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (

Delivery E-Book

Upon receipt of payment, you will receive an email with a link to download your product.

Price: $29.95
Version :
Emotional Intelligence Workbook (hardcopy)
Emotional Intelligence Workbook (hardcopy)
The Emotional Intelligence Workbook (hardcopy format) is a practical, user friendly guide to enhance emotional intelligence skills. Designed as an essential companion to results from the MSCEITTM , this Workbook provides the opportunity for you to effectively target the areas you want to improve or leverage. It guides you through each of the MSCEIT’s four branches and eight tasks, gives further information about them, discusses real-life implications and provides exercises to help your development.

This Workbook is designed to accompany the MSCEIT™ (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test). MSCEIT™ is owned by Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (

Upon receipt of payment, your Workbook will be delivered within 7-10 business days.
Price: $59.95
Business Acumen Gauge
Business Acumen Gauge
The Business Acumen Gauge is a unique tool, designed by Jim Grant and developed with David Ryan of Quad Assessment, as a result of a recognised need for this element of leadership and organisational performance to be mapped, measured and managed.
Price: $990.00
Leader as Coach Workbook (hardcopy)
Leader as Coach Workbook (hardcopy)

Leader as Coach Workbook:
Jim has cleverly put together this unique Workbook to assist the leader who is responsible for managing the performance and nurturing the well-being of the people they work with. This Workbook will help the leader coach others more effectively – on the ground, in real-time, in real situations, with real day-to-day problems, challenges and triumphs.

It is designed as a ready reference tool, providing theory, context and anecdotes, and containing a number of exercises designed to test the leader’s current skill levels and deepen their understanding of the key elements of the coaching process. Each chapter is essentially about learning new things as well as reinforcing what the leader might already know. The focus of the workbook is always directed at changing behaviour.

The aim of the workbook is to help the leader, as coach, develop an appropriate response to the particular issues or problems faced by those they work with.

Upon receipt of payment, your Workbook will be delivered within 7-10 business days.

Price: $59.95
Leader as Coach Workbook (E-Book)
Leader as Coach Workbook (E-Book)

Leader as Coach Workbook:
Jim has cleverly put together this unique Workbook to assist the leader who is responsible for managing the performance and nurturing the well-being of the people they work with. This Workbook will help the leader coach others more effectively – on the ground, in real-time, in real situations, with real day-to-day problems, challenges and triumphs.

It is designed as a ready reference tool, providing theory, context and anecdotes, and containing a number of exercises designed to test the leader’s current skill levels and deepen their understanding of the key elements of the coaching process. Each chapter is essentially about learning new things as well as reinforcing what the leader might already know. The focus of the workbook is always directed at changing behaviour.

The aim of the workbook is to help the leader, as coach, develop an appropriate response to the particular issues or problems faced by those they work with.

Delivery E-Book
Upon receipt of payment, you will receive an email with a link to download your product.

Price: $29.95
Version :
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